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    Главная » 2011 » Август » 18 » Список фильмов лета 2010 - 2011 года. Вышедшие фильмы 2011 года список бесплатно.
    Список фильмов лета 2010 - 2011 года. Вышедшие фильмы 2011 года список бесплатно.
    Список фильмов лета 2010 - 2011 года. Вышедшие фильмы 2011 года список бесплатно.

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    Список фильмов 2011 года
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    Леса могут быть найдены во всех регионах, способного обеспечить рост деревьев, на высотах до линии деревьев, кроме случаев, когда собственная частота пожара или другого нарушения слишком высока, или там, где окружающая среда была изменена в результате деятельности человека. Список фильмов лета 2010 - 2011 года. Широты 10 ° к северу и к югу от экватора в основном покрыта тропическими лесами, а широтах между 53 ° с.ш. и 67 ° с.ш. у бореальных лесов. Как правило, леса преобладают покрытосеменные (широколиственные леса), более богатые видами, чем те, преобладали голосеменные (хвойные, горных, или needleleaf леса), хотя существуют исключения. Леса иногда содержат многие виды деревьев только в пределах небольшой территории (как в тропических дождей и умеренных лиственных лесов), или относительно немногие виды на больших площадях (например, в тайге и засушливых горных хвойных лесов). Леса часто домом для многих видов животных и растений и биомассы на единицу площади высок по сравнению с другими растительных сообществ. Вышедшие фильмы 2011 года список бесплатно. Большая часть этой биомассы происходит под землей в корневых системах и как частично разложившихся растительных детрита.Древесных компонентов лес содержит лигнин, который относительно медленно разлагаются по сравнению с другими органическими материалами, такими как целлюлоза или углеводов. Леса отличаются от лесов по степени навес охват: в лес, ветвей и листвы отдельных деревьев часто встречаются или блокировки, хотя и не может быть пробелов различных размеров в пределах области называют лесом.Леса имеет более постоянно открытым навесом, с деревьями, расположенные дальше друг от друга, что позволяет больше солнечного света проникнуть на землю между ними (см. также: саванне).

    Fear is a reaction, inherent in every healthy person. Fear is normal, normal phenomenon. It is necessary for the person of self-preservation, because they fear not only mentally and mentally ill people, as well as those who remain in the captivity of narcotic or alcoholic intoxication. No wonder they say: "Drunk and the sea on foot!" Список фильмов лета 2010 - 2011 года. And if a child is afraid of something - it's ok, even good. For example, if he is afraid to get under the car, it will be more carefully cross the road, if it is afraid of the dark, the big dog, he will try to avoid "dangerous place", although this is not always possible. Is a totally different matter, if a child is afraid of too much and if the fear prevented him to live, sleep, go for walks, to communicate, learn, etc. With multiple and too strong fears just need to fight. What advice can you give to the parents, grandmothers, faced with the problem of children's fears? You should not call the child a coward (even трусишкой), for he will feel weak, cowardly, to consider themselves worse than peers. Be sure to get to the reasons for fears. No fear does not arise without a cause. We, the adults, such causes may seem ridiculous and stupid. For example, the mother often says to the child, "Oh, my sweet, yum, yes I'll eat you!" Вышедшие фильмы 2011 года список бесплатно. Then it turns out that her baby most of all afraid of being eaten, cannibals. One should not underestimate the fear of the child, not giving it a value. For example, a kid asks: "Mother, don't turn on the night the light, I'm afraid that out of the closet creep black hand and I suffocate!" And my mother says, "oh, come on, son, you're like a little! Look in the wardrobe, there is no one there and stop bitching!" Necessarily need a lot of talk with the child about his fears. If he is still very small (3, 4 years old), shall draw what he was afraid, and then break their drawings. This method is suitable and for children six, seven years. We must try to find the words, explanations, which will help to reduce the specific fear of the child. It is necessary to explain to the child why it is not worth much to be afraid of anything. For example, a five-year boy is very afraid to die, every day asking about death. Such questions are frightened and worried about the care of their parents; they comfort of the child: "Yes you are! You will not die, will be a long, long time live, we won't let you die!" This illusion, and we should not develop them. We can say, for example: "Yes, you too once to die, but if you carefully cross the road, do not go with strangers, shall wash their hands before eating, then live a long, long time!" If a child is afraid of something of the subject, the fact that you can see, touch, you can try either to play with him in toys, symbolizing the object of fear, or create a situation in which the object of fear is not terrible. For example, a child is afraid of the big cats. Play with him with toy cats, look how he will react to the plush large cat, then let it come to this little kitten. If is not afraid to play with the kitten, provide the opportunity to take in hand all the more mature (big cats) . From some of the fears deliver the child is not worth it. Or they themselves will be held in time, or will become less acute. Suppose a child is afraid of the water, the depth. Keep it in a shallow pool, but be sure to be there. Gradually go a little further, but in the early days it is better to keep a child in his hands, until he legs бултыхает on the water. The child may not love to swim in the great river, in the sea, and we must not make a problem out of this. Axiom - if the house is quiet, then the child will not be afraid of almost nothing. In the family must be an atmosphere of peace, friendship, true benevolence, sincerity of feelings, then the child will feel confidence, care and comfort. Do not give your child a dip with his head in his fear, don't give him the strength and time. If the day was full of interesting, bright impressions, useful things and the game, at night a child is likely to fall asleep instantly. But no need to overload, bore the child, otherwise he would not be able to sleep and fears of a return. If a child is afraid of darkness, before bedtime should say: "Look, we are always near, if it becomes terrible, call, come, stroked, приласкаем!" In the case of fear of the dark, do not close the door to the room where the sleeping child. Very good substitute for the light at the sound. That is, turning off lights, include a radio, tape recorder, tv set to the sounds were not loud: calm music, monotonous voice of the announcer). Well help tales and poems about the object of fear. Well, this is fantasy need to show and creativity. I can't even give an example. Of course, one should not make fun of the fear of the child, to curse, to denounce the baby for cowardice, teasing, joking and indicate a fear in the presence of others. Especially dangerous is to compare them with other children. "Vanya, look, Olya now floats, is not afraid, and you...!" Intuition, knowledge of child psychology, everyday experience - all it is a reliable support for you in using your favorite children get rid of the strong fears.
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